20,000 leagues under the sea

This is the story of Captain Nemo and his sumarine, the Nautilus. One day, Nemo finds three men in the sea. For months the men live on the Nautilus. They find a town on the sea floor, beautiful coasts and a lot of gold. But they want to go home. Can they escape from Nemo's submarine?

Autoria Verne, Júlio (1828-1959) - aut
Hopkins, Andy - edt
Potter, Jocelyn - edt
Beddall, Fiona - adp
Coleções Penguin readers
Assuntos Literatura infantil - Língua inglesa
Literatura francesa
Ficção científica
Editora Penguin
Tipo Livro
Ano 2008
Extensão 27 p.
ISBN 9781405877992
Exemplares 1 exemplar(es)
MARC Visualizar campos MARC

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