Beauty and the beast

The man came to a strange palace. He saw nobody but, before he left, he picked a rose for Beauty, his youngest daughter. Then he saw a terrible, angry beast. The Beast wanted one of the man's daughters to come and live with him. If not, the man must die. Beauty went to live with the Beast. I wanted to marry her, but she could not love him. Beauty leaves him, but she dreams that he is dying. At last she understands that kindness is more important than a beautiful face.

Autoria Arengo, Sue - adp
Pound, Claire - ill
Coleções Classic tales
Assuntos Literatura infantil - Língua inglesa
Contos de fadas
Editora Oxford University Press
Tipo Livro
Ano 1995
Extensão 31 p.
ISBN 9780194220064
Exemplares 1 exemplar(es)
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