Big book of Bart Simpson

Homer's irrepressible eldest son returns for a series of chaotic adventures. In Big Fat Trouble in Little Springfield, Bart learns that while fat children are funny, becoming one isn't always; in Grrrl-Whirl, Bart's one-boy assault on girl power is undermined when he - falls in love? And in Close Encounters of the Nerd Kind, evil space aliens Kang and Kodos get an unexpected surprise when they first kidnap Earth's greatest nerd - Bart's sister, Lisa - and then Earth's greatest menace (no prizes for guessing who!). And that's just the first few pages!

Autoria Groening, Matt - aut
Coleções Bart Simpson
Assuntos História em quadrinhos
Literatura infantojuvenil - Língua inglesa
Literatura estadunidense
Editora Titan Books
Tipo Livro
Ano 2002
Extensão 120 p.
ISBN 9781840234251
Exemplares 1 exemplar(es)
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