Oliver Twist

"Oliver Twist" is the saga of a workhouse orphan captured and thrust into a thieves' den, where some of Dickens's most depraved villains preside - the incorrigible Artful Dodger, the murderous bully Sikes, and the terrible Fagin, that treacherous ringleader whose grinning knavery threatens to send them all to the 'ghostly gallows'. Yet at the heart of this drama is the orphan Oliver, whose unsullied goodness leads him at last to salvation.

Autoria Dickens, Charles (1812-1870) - aut
Howe, Irving (1920-1993) - aui
Coleções Bantam classic
Assuntos Literatura inglesa
Literatura infantojuvenil - Língua inglesa
Editora Bantam Dell
Tipo Livro
Ano 2005
Extensão 445 p.
ISBN 9780553211023
Exemplares 1 exemplar(es)
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