Simpsons comics madness

More stories of mayhem from the world's favourite dysfunctional family - the Simpsons! In "Journey to the Cellar of the Kwik-E-Mart", it's backwards fun as we discover just how Homer's car went off a cliff...Lisa gets a job as substitute teacher in "The Primt of Miss Lisa Simpson"...Santa's Little Helper takes centre stage for the all-action "Hamburger's Little Helper"...and Bart joins up with Sideshow Bob for "Angels with Yellow Faces"! Plus, "The Rise and Fall of Bartholomew J. Simpson" looks back on Bart's long and remarkable career, and in "Tic Tac D'oh!" Homer enters a seemingly innocent game show...but ends up on a mad dash through the deadly "Castle Burnsimoto"!

Autoria Groening, Matt - aut
Coleções Simpsons comics
Assuntos História em quadrinhos
Literatura infantojuvenil - Língua inglesa
Literatura estadunidense
Editora Titan Books
Tipo Livro
Ano 2002
Extensão [176] p.
ISBN 9781840235920
Exemplares 1 exemplar(es)
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