
Cinderella has two ugly sisters. They make her do all the work. One day Cinderella is very sad because she can't go to a party at the palace. A fairy helps Cinderella, but she tells her that she must leave before midnight. Cinderella dances with the Prince and forgets the time. The clock begins to strike twelve, and Cinderella runs from the palace. The Prince finds one of her shoes and he wants to find the girl who can wear it. At last he comes to Cinderella's house.

Autoria Kimber, Kevin - ill
Arengo, Sue - adp
Coleções Classic tales
Assuntos Literatura infantil - Língua inglesa
Contos de fadas
Editora Oxford University Press
Tipo Livro
Ano 1995
Extensão 23 p.
ISBN 9780194220057
Exemplares 1 exemplar(es)
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